Udvaros József; Gubán Miklós (2016) Szlovákiai magyar középiskolások informatika-tudásszintjének elemzése az objektumorientált programozás oktatásának kialakítására. In: Alkalmazott tudományok III. fóruma. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, pp. 851-879. ISBN 978-963-7159-23-7
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Szlovákiai magyar középiskolások informatika-tudásszintjének elemzése az objekutmorientált programozás oktatásának kialakítására.pdf - Megjelent verzió Restricted to Csak regisztrált felhasználók Download (684kB) |
The world around us is developing dynamically. We are witnesses of the fast development of the modern technologies and communication. This means new challenges and response for the future strategy and for the attitude forming. In the beginning of the 21. century in our society is unacceptable if a student during the high school does not learn the basics of the creating algorithm and doesn't understand the programming, and the basic concepts of the program developing. During the researches in the Hungarian secondary schools in Slovakia we assessed the IT knowledge about programming and OOP. The results of our survey showed us that the number of the IT lessons in curriculum given by Slovakia for the first classes of secondary schools is not enough (one /week). In the case of vocational schools we can see that the students from second class are having 6-8 IT lessons what is big difference compared to the secondary schools, till the secondary school students are having 3-9 IT lessons until vocational school students 20-22 lessons. From the answers for concepts algorithm, program, selection and iteration we can summarize, that compared to the number of programming lessons the results evolved properly, but unfortunately that is not enough. During the OOP survey we tested students about the knowledge of the concepts class, object, object-oriented program, method and inheritance. We reached very weak result during the evaluating of the answers. Of the survey we found out that in the Hungarian secondary schools in Slovakia the teaching OOP is really rudimentary. From the weak results we understood, that it´s not enough to raise the number of IT lessons, we have to develop the strategy (methodology), and the teaching methods too, with the help of games and e-learning. Next to them we have to have a well-built application which is the purpose of this survey. Like a next step we would like to measure by the use of simple application that how much did the OOP understanding developed among the students.
Tudományterület / tudományág
05. Társadalomtudományok > 05.02. Közgazdasági és gazdálkodástudományok
Menedzsement és Gazdaságinformatika Intézeti Osztály
Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola (csak GKZ-s szerzőségű, 2015-ig megjelent publ.)
Mű típusa: | Könyv része |
Kulcsszavak: | oktatáskutatás, objektumorientált programozás (OOP), középiskola, oktatás - képzés, oktatásfejlesztés - képzésfejlesztés, Szlovákia, vizsgálat - felmérés, tanterv |
A mű MTMT azonosítója: | 3176902 |
Felhasználó: | G. Tibor Szabó |
Dátum: | 24 Már 2017 12:29 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 17 Jún 2021 18:53 |
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